How to get your kid excited about school?


It is a difficult task for most parents to make their kids go to school following a weekend break.Now, after a month-long summer holiday, it is going to be even more of a challenge.Here are a few tips you can use to help your children get back to the school routine and solve the problem of “How to get your kid excited about school?”

  • Get them involved:
    You would have bought the necessities for the coming academic year by now like the books, notebooks, uniforms, etc. Get your kid involved in getting these things organised -like covering the books and notebooks, labelling them, getting the uniforms pressed, and so on.
  • Buy new things:
    Buy at least one new item that will help motivate your child. It could be anything, either a school bag, lunch bag, pencil box, water bottle or even stationery. You can also buy stuffs that has characters like Spiderman, Superman or Chota Bheem, to make your child an ardent fan of comic heroes that can keep him busy with a new thing to do.
  • Throw a party:
    You can arrange a get-together and invite your child’s school friends to home. Meeting friends will develop an urge in him / her to look forward to school. You could also tell them about the new friends they would be making this year to get them excited.
  • Give them a preview:
    Just sit and talk usually with your kid and explain things to them. Talk about how thrilled they would be after getting back to school and meeting teachers and classmates after a long time. You could even discuss about some of the fun filled exciting topics that they are going to learn this year and give them a peek into these topics.