Kolkata Primary Schools reopen on 9th June

Source: https://goo.gl/drHAcM

Initially, because of the heat wave, The School Education Department of the State declared all classes from Primary to Higher Secondary to be suspended from 11th April onwards. However, all state funded and aided schools have been directed to stop all classes from 19th May up to 11th June. However reports of the Kolkata District (primary) School supervisor has given indications that Kolkata Primary Schools reopen on 9th June. Approximately 1100 such schools have been identified as per the report. The clash is due to the reopening date,  because unlike Kolkata, schools of North and South 24 Parganas , Howrah and Hooghly are supposed to reopen on 13th June.

A member of the Primary School education department explained that the DI may have calculated the 65 day period whilst deciding upon 9th June. Seeing the commotion caused this year, a suggestion has been around regarding arranging morning classes for three months during 15th March to 15th June.

Source: goo.gl/OoA2H5