Positivity is the Key to Success

Mumbai-Differently Abled
Image source: http://tinyurl.com/pgz6dqy

Positivity is the Key to Success –

Kanishk Kothari, a student of Matushri Kashiben Vrajlal Valia International Vidyalaya in Borivili suffers from hemiplegia, a condition that led to permanent paralysis in the entire right side of his body. Studies were manageable up to 10th standard but class XII became too stressful for him. However, he managed to study for four hours a day since he had to spend time on necessary physiotherapy. He scored 85% in his 10th grade and aspires to pursue MBA as a career in IT.

Soumyaprakash Choudhury, born with microganthia, a condition where the jaw is undersized. He finds it difficult to stay awake even for few minutes. He underwent a surgery in the month of September last year and another in January this year. A score of 87% and a positive perspective can easily camouflage his disabilities and the hurdles faced by him. He aspires to become an engineering one day.

Source: http://goo.gl/QMnFu0