Inter School Competition 2016: Jacomun ‘16


The most talked about Inter School Competition 2016, the JacoMUN , was held across 3 days and consisted of 8 committees with 25 delegates over seeing a huge participation of about 30 odd schools in the event. A few of the top schools which participated include

  • La Martiniere for boys and girls
  • Don Bosco, Park Circus
  • Delhi Public School-Ruby Park
  • St Xavier’s Collegeiate School
  • St James School (The hosts)

Few of the interesting highlights of the events were:

  • How the members of the national Summit of Islamic Leaders committee had to deal with two broad agendas relating to the misrepresentation of Islam by militant groups and the Islam Zionist Conflict
  • Indian Colloquoy on cross border terrorism which was a mock-off-the-record conference attended by politicians, bureaucrats and terrorist organization to discuss cross border terrorism.
  • Yeltsins cabinet witnessing the assassination of Yeltsin and the shift of power to Vladimir Putin
  • Clinton Cabinet which discussed on ISIS actions close to Turkish and Iranian borders, nuclear arms race in West Asia with Iran gaining close to eight nuclear warheads.
  • A few more committees were History Security Council, UN General Assembly League, the League of Nations that focused on the aftermath of WWII and World Media Council.

When enquired about the students experience at the event, Oishik Dasgupta, a student participant said that at times he had to prioritize a particular affair over his cabinet but does mention that how a challenging atmosphere helps them to grow. Another student, also
Chairing the League of Nations said how amazing an experience it is to turn a failed organization into a successful one and other amazing experiences. A student from Aravali, said he was amazed at how Calcutta MUN’s function. St James School principal T.H. Ireland was impressed at the response of students in the event. Everyone is talented and events such as these give students a lot of exposure, said the host schools principal.
The event came to its commencement with the Best delegation trophy won by La Martiniere for Boys with Farhad Islam a student of class XII bagging the best delegate award.
